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Sunday, October 30, 2011
Study the Studies.4

Study the Studies.3
Dear Chess lover! welcome back on day 3! i call you a chess lover because you resisted the temptation to enter facebook.com or yahoo.com in your address bar and instead came to this boring site to rack your brains to solve another study! Thank you very much! So what do we have today?! Todays composition is a game like situation! So be sure to give your 100%! because such a position might just occur in your game!

Study the Studies.2
Congratulations! You are now on day 2! it means that you tried to solve the study on day 1! So give your best today too! your efforts wont go waste!

Time to put your thinking hat on. this is the most beuatiful part and give a pat to yourslef if you found this move! 5.Be7!! you need to really be alert for mating patterns if you have to find this move! now if the black king takes the B on e7 then Rd3 wins. so black is forced to play 5...d1=Q and now after 6.Bg5!
Believe it or not nothing in this world can stop Rd8#!! A grandiose solution!
Conclusion: What i love about this study is the very clever defensive attempt by black which you must anticipate and then the brilliant retort Be7!! forming the amazing mating pattern.
All in all these 6 moves are so powerpacked that they can make any solver feel really happy!!
Study the Studies.1
It seems as though whites days are numbered. The B on f3 is controlling the a pawn excellently and the black king is ready to capture the h pawn and roll down his own pawn. In such a scenario, how do we begin our calculation?
We begin with the most natural move in the position. It would be incorrect to start with exotic ideas because we first need to knw why our normal moves dont work. So the most obvious moves is 1.Kb5 Kh2 2.Ka6 Kg1 of course this is the best place to remove the black king. 3.b5 h3 4.b6 h2 5.b7 Bb7 6.Kb7 h1=Q

Now if you know that a lone 'a' pawn on 7th rank draws against the queen, you will definitely try 7.f3 but if black isnt your friend then he will spurn this juicy pawn and continue with 7...Qh7-+ afer which you would have hoped that the treacherous f3 pawn never existed!
So we realise that f pawn is a main problem and we must force black to take it. how can it be possible? only if f3 comes with a check! and how can it come with a check? only if black king is on g4! and thus from the start we get the idea of
1. h3!! Kh2 2.Kb5 Kh3 3.Ka6 Kg4 (this is the only way. Kg2 would block the queens check.) 4.b5 h3 5.b6 h2 6.b7 Bb7 7.Kb7 h1=Q+

As you see a position, it is very necessary that you start your calculations from the most obvious move. Once you realise what is the problem with normal play, then you can improvise and only then find the first move h3!!. If you started your calculation with directly h3 then your approach isnt correct!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Revisiting bonn 2008!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
An instuctive pawn endgame!

1...Qd4 2.Qd4 cd4 3.b3 Rbe8 4.Rae1 Re4!?

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Position for the day. 19th feb

Players: Sagar Shah v/s IM Saptarshi Roy.
Position from 2011 Parsvnath tournament.
During a game its very important to be aware of your tactical possibilities. Where you have a superior position it is all the more important to be fully concentrated because the chances of a tactical shot are very high.
In the above position which i reached against IM Saptarshi Roy, it should be clear even to a beginner that white is clearly better. But there is an instant tactical win.
1.Qh7!! threatening the very simple Rd7 and surprisingly black is falling short of moves. 1...Rge8 (of course Nb6 is a terrible move because after 2.Rd8 Rd8 3.Rd8 Kd8 4.Bf6 Kc8 5.Qg8 Kc7 6.Qd8# is a pretty mate!)
2.Qg6! keeping an eye on the e8 rook and again threatening Rd7. 2...Nb6 (the most beautiful idea occurs after 2...Rg8 (2..e5 loses to 3.Rd6) 3.Qf7! and the B and the Q combine to take away all the squares from the rook and black loses an exchange.)
3.Rd8 Rd8 4.Rd8 Kd8 and i guess there is no need to see any further. this position is completely winning due to the h pawn but it is nice to see a move ahead and come to the conclusion that white not only has a positional advantage but also material advantage. 5.Bf6 Kc7 6.Qg3 and black has nothing better than to sacrifice a pawn with 6...e5 and after 7.Qe5+- white has a crushing advantage.
Whenever you have a winning position always be on the look out for tactical possibilities because some great player had once said, "Tactics stem from Superior positions!"
It is very embarassing but i have to say that i lost the above position in my game after i continued with 1.h4 but please do not try losing this position at home. It can be highly dangerous!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Position of the Day.18th Feb.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Rook ending 1 (Lucena)

1.Rd1+ cutting off the king by one more file. Ke7 2.Rd4! the famous lucena manoeuvre or the bridge building move.The idea of it will soon be clear. [2.Kc7 Rc2+ 3.Kb6 Rb2+ 4.Ka7 Ra2+ 5.Kb8 and white will have to start all over again.] 2...Ra1 3.Kc7 Rc1+ 4.Kb6 Rb1+ 5.Kc6 Ke6 [5...Rc1+ 6.Kb5 Rb1+ 7.Rb4 is the main idea of the bridge building manoeuvre.]

6.Rd6+! (Rc4 and Re4 both win) Ke7 [6...Ke5 7.Rd5+ Ke6 8.Rb5+-] 7.Rd5+-
Stage-1: Get your passer to the 7th rank and your king to the 8th rank, thus sheltered from annoying checks by the passer itself.
Stage-2: Either earlier or now, make sure that the enemy king is cut off from your passer by 2 files, by driving it away with your rook.
Stage-3: Play your rook to the 4th rank, the key move pointed out by Lucena.
Stage-4: Bring out your king avoiding checks with zigzag movements,taking care to support your passer, till the enemy stops checking.
Stage-5: Get your rook to the 5th rank, taking care if necessary to interpolate the intermezzo check.
This was quite basic but a firm understanding of this position is very important for a player to master the rook endings because finally more than half of the rook endings boil down to this position. So have a firm Grasp of how to win the lucena position.
All the best Ketan!
This position has been taken from Jacob Aagaard's book Practical Chess Defense and i will have to agree that it is one of the most brilliant defensive idea i have ever seen. the position isnt very difficult as such but if one can play such an idea during a game then he will surely be immortalised!
1...fe5 is also useless as after 2.Qh6 Kg8 3. Rg1 Kf7 5 Rg7 black is slaughtered.

Friday, February 11, 2011
How to get out of trouble?

As i solved this position from the book practical chess defense (which i must say is an excellent book written by Jacob Aagaard) the above position caught my eye for its simplicity.
first of all i thought a lot as to how i could defend against the threat of taking on f6 and then swinging hois rook over to the kingisde and i came up with 1...Kh8 but then 2Nf6! Bf6 3Bf6 gf6 4.Qh5 and now Rh3 is a threat so 4...Rg8 5.Qf7 and i would never like to be in black's shoes here.
1...Nd5 is highly interesting as move like Bh6 is met with Nc7 and white cannot follow up his attack. but after cd5 2Bg5 de6 white is slightly better.
To find the answer i am sure that there is some very basic knowledge which i learnt when i was young which has to be applied here. that is, always calculate the checks and captures first. of course there are no checks. but captures, yes there are and the first one that comes to mind is 1....Ng4!! which allows a fork but is surprisingly the answer to this problem! 2.Be7 Qc7! yes you guessed it right! A double attack on h2 and e7. 3.Qg4 Qe7 and it is certain that black has superb chances to win this position.
Why would be this position be tough to solve?
I dont know whether you all got the answer easily or it took some while, but i didnt get the answer maybe because i wasnt thinking that the solution can be so easy especially because the position is amidst other ones which are tough! Unforcing thinking is the key!
What does unforcing thinking mean?
Quite simply put unforcing thinking means to think unconventionally. In this position unforcing thinking was to allow the fork by the Bishop. Often we see the fork and reject the variation but unforcing thinking implies to look further into variations which at first sight seem absurd!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 1 of Parsvnath Chess Open 2011.
What does accelerated Pairing actually mean?
the total entries for this tournament are 400.
So, quite simply the players are cut into 2 sections for the first 2 rounds.
top 80 players play against each other and the rest 320 play against each other.
My seeding being 58th, i had to play the 18th seed and he was our Indian GM S. Arun Prasad(2513).
He is the 18th GM of India and also a pretty strong GM with an elo high of nearly 2580.
First of all i feel that the organisers were wrong in keeping 2 rounds on day 1. that too for the top half of players it was a very tiring day having to play 2 strong players.
As for my room mates, Sohan Phadke and Vinod Bhagwat it was a big challenge as their train was delayed by nearly 18 hrs and they reached at 7 am in the morning.
Lots of Kudos to Sohan for playing two IMs in a day (Rathnakaran and some Chinese IM) and scoring 1.5/2!
I would also like to speak something about the accelerated pairing system but more about that later.
Now,Lets check my game against Arun Prasad.
I came to know about the pairing around 5 am in the morning. He played 2-3 systems with black so i spent around 1 hr preparing for slav. I knew he could play King's Indian and that indeed was his choice but i was quite confident with my pet system.
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.Nf3 0–0 5.Bg5

The Smyslov system, invented by the World Champion Vasily smyslov has a very simple idea. White refrains from play e4. True he gets less space advantage but black also doesnt have the e4 pawn as a target. The play is highly original and i like to play with white pieces. I have a secret hope that some day people after seeing my games will start playing this system more often!!
5... d6 6.e3 c6 7.Be2 Nbd7 8.0–0 a6 9.a4!? usually white doesnt make this move as the b4 square is weakened but here the N is already developed on d7 and has less chances of coming to b4. but of course this is a double edged idea.
[My earlier intention was to play b4. this leads to usually equal positions and would have been a good choice as this was just the 1st game. 9.b4 b5 10.a4 bxc4 11.Bxc4 a5 12.b5²]
9...a5 immediately clamping onto the b4 square. 10.Qc2 Qc7 11.Rfd1 usually this is the right rook as the queenside rook looks after moves like b4 and queenside expansion. but here with the moves a4-a5 already played i am sure that Rad1 was a better move.
11... Re8 12.h3 this move has to be explained a little. earlier when the rook was on f8, h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Nh5 was met with Ng5! and white wins a pawn but now the f8 square is vacated for the king and hence i dont want to lose my dark squared B and i play this move. e5 13.Bh4 (by now i already had a lead of 25 mins on the clock and was quite satisfied with my position).
exd4 the most critical moment of the game. how would you recapture on d4?
14.Nxd4 this was my choice. however it isnt the most accurate.

with this move i take more space in the center and dont give up the c5 square. my worry was 2 fold. 1 i wanted to attack the weakness on d6 but after ed4 the d file is getting closed. but what i must understand is that black is cramped now and lacks a good play where as white can keep on increasing his space with moves like g4,Bf1-g2.
my 2nd worry was more concrete and that was the move Nh5 but well its a case of when you have decided psychologically on a move, you try to find some illusionary fault with other moves! Here Nh5 prevent Bg3 and thretens to infilitrate on f4 but simple Qd2 should do the trick and then g4 is of course a part of our plan, when i guess white should if not have a huge then atleast a small edge! ]
14...Nc5 The N immediately occupies the super strong square on c5. sometimes we feel that by giving up one square we dont have to worry much because other things are going in our favour. for eg in this position, the d6 pawn weakness. but it is important to understand that once the d6 pawn is defended then the c5 N will become very irritating and that is exactly what happened. this a typical case of dynamic advantage vs static one. i have to be quick!
15.Bg3 Bf8 of course this move is a concession but this B is like a House wife. the house wife takes care of the home making it easier for other members of the family to fulfil their aims. similarly here the f8 B says that i will look after d6 so that rest all of you can do your job!
16.Re1!? at this point i was stuck for a plan. yes the N on d4 is nice but i have to remove it if i want to attack d6 but if i remove it then Bf5 will follow. so i really didnt know what to do until i found an idea of trying to get in e4. the other rook will come to d1 then the B will drop back to f1 and then i can get in e4 and with no tension of Bf5 i can easily move my d4 N and attack the weakness on d6. but this happens in our world of dreams. on a chess board you have an opponent right in front of you waiting to pounce on any opportunity to stifle your plans!
16...Qb6 17.Rad1 Bd7 18.Bf1 so far so good. just give me one move e4 and i will prove that white is better here!! Nce4! nothing doing! the N firmly entrenches itself on the e4 square.
19.Nxe4 Nxe4 20.Bf4 f5! At this point i realised that now i could move my N as the f5 square no longer available for the B but the problem is that black has made good progress with his pieces and gained good space. white isnt worse here. the position is equal but i would say its more pleasant to be black. 21.Nb3 Qb4 22.Nc1?! ultra passivity is a sure shot way to disaster! why not simply play f3 here? well i was afraid of c5. this is a terrible move and after a simple a move like Nc1 Ba4 will be met with b3 and then, the point is in the bag! and so white would have had good chances after f3.
Be6! suddenly the only weakness on d6 which was helping me to play this position with some hope is going to be dissolved with d5. 23.Na2 Qc5 i speant a lot of time thinking only about Qb6 as i thought that c5 square must be left vacant for the N. but of course Qb6 was losing the d6 pawn . 24.Nc3? carelessness. loses a pawn. i guess f3 should still have been preferred.Bxc4! 25.Nxe4 Rxe4 i just didnt see this rook coming into the game! 26.Rd4 Bxf1 27.Qxc5 dxc5 28.Rxe4 fxe4 29.Kxf1 c4! black has a huge majority on the queenside which he converted with ease!
We will see round two game against P Karthikeyan. but first lets enjoy a few pics from delhi!

A beautfiul view from the New Delhi Station. (photographer: Atul Dahale)

The double room in Hotel Ginger where four of us, me Atul, Vinod and Sohan stay!

The beautiful venue of Parsvnath 2011. This hall was used for the wrestling competitions of 2010 commonwealth games!
Lets now see the game 2 of the day. It was against a very talented young Indian IM
His current rating is 2380 and he has 1 GM norm. He was also the Asian Junior champion in the year 2008.
IM P.Karthikeyan (2380) v/s Sagar Shah (2318)
The game started with a quiet opening but soon took a vicious character. Lets dive into the very interesting game.
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.Nc3 Bb7 5.Bg5 Be7 6.e3 Ne4 7.Bxe7 Qxe7 8.Qc2 f5 9.Bd3 Nxc3 10.Qxc3 c5
All seems to be happening quietly and we both were taking considerable time in the opening which suggested that none of us was very well versed with this opening.

11.0–0–0!? Suddenly the game is filled with life. A very interesting move and one that can be expected from a player like Karthikeyan who is very innovative and aggressive.
Qf7 24.Re1 Qf5 25.Ka1 Rb8! played without thinking. my strategy was really getting on the nerves of my opponent who just could find a clear cut path to victory. 26.Rxe6 Qxf4 27.Qc3 Qg3 28.h5 Rf7 29.Rg6 Qf2 Karthikeyan told me that he didnt even consider that the Q could go here but of course from here it is right in the heart of enemy position and attacks the very vulnerable spot on b2.30.b3 a5! blacks moves are natural and hence were made without much thought. 31.a4 at this point i still had 20 mins and he had just 5 min left! and here i noticed a brilliant idea!